Mar 31, 2021
Lidl Northern Ireland and Gordon Gough, Chairman Brain Injury Matters
Action for Brain Injury Week (17th-23rd May) provides an opportunity for local businesses and voluntary and statutory organisations to place a focus on acquired brain injury, often defined as a “hidden disability.” Throughout this awareness week, Brain Injury Matters are determined to raise much-needed awareness of the life-long condition of acquired brain injury.
Brain Injury Matters were pleased to see how Lidl worked closely with the NOW Group to become the first retailer in Northern Ireland to support the use of the JAM card in their stores. The JAM Card can be used by anyone with subtle communication barriers that can arise with memory and thinking abilities, such as individuals with acquired brain injury. The JAM Card offers individuals with hidden disabilities additional time and patience when in people-facing environments like supermarkets.
Brain Injury Matters, a local charity dedicated to supporting and empowering people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) are delighted to support the use of the JAM Card throughout Lidl stores across Northern Ireland.
Gordon Gough, Chairman of Brain Injury Matters said: “The JAM Card initiative helps to address the many daily challenges faced by individuals with an acquired brain injury. For a lot of people, ABI can cause difficulties with cognition (thinking), physical activity and movement, emotional and behavioural effects, social interactions and communication, and therefore with Lidl Stores becoming JAM-Card friendly people affected by brain injury can feel more supported within their local communities.”
Angela Connan, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at Lidl NI said: “We’re delighted to be the first retailer in Northern Ireland to become JAM-Card friendly across all 41 stores. This initiative is another positive step in our journey to becoming a more accessible retailer for everyone and a great example of how we actively listen to our customers’ feedback and make tangible actions.
“By becoming JAM-Card friendly, we’re furthering our commitment to providing excellent customer care and, alongside our existing in-store initiatives such as dedicated weekly autism evenings, we’re helping support vulnerable customers even further. We hope that all of our customers will feel even more comfortable while shopping in stores, with the assurance that our employees will understand and give those who need some extra time, ‘Just a Minute’.”
Leeann Kelly, Business Development Manager at NOW Group said: “Ensuring accessibility and great customer service for people with hidden disabilities and communication barriers is at the heart of our JAM-Card initiative. We offer a card that simply says ‘I have a condition’ that is appropriate for a wide range of people. Knowing that trained staff in Lidl will recognise the card and respond appropriately helps shoppers feel more welcome and more comfortable in store.”
For more information on the work of Brain Injury Matters and activities taking place during Action for Brain Injury Week, visit https://braininjurymatters.org.uk.