E-learning module: Making workplaces more inclusive and improve customer service
It's the responsibility of your employees to make sure each customer has a positive and pleasant experience – and that’s why JAM Card training is so valuable. Our light-touch introductory course is packed with practical advice on how to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone. Designed to fit seamlessly into busy schedules, it explains how JAM Card works and boosts staff confidence by equipping them with essential know-how.
Max. time
20 mins
JAM Card
What you’ll learn
What is a JAM Card and how the global ‘Just A Minute’ movement began
Who uses a JAM Card and what disabilities are non-visible
How to provide inclusive customer service
Communication skills to break down barriers
How your work environment can impact people with hidden disabilities
Real-life examples of how to deliver excellent customer service in potentially difficult scenarios
How employees benefit
Better understanding of non-visible disabilities
Practical advice on providing a welcoming environment
Upskilling via e-Learning course and JAM Card quiz (mobile compatible)
E-certificate for successfully completing the quiz
Access to more E-learning content including ‘watch anytime’ training on useful topics like recruiting, reasonable adjustments, supporting colleagues with invisible disabilities
How employers benefit
JAM Card Training Certificate (once 70% staff complete training)
Use of the JAM Card logo
Full support for your JAM Card launch and during ongoing participation via email, media and social media
JAM Card marketing and promotional materials
Membership of the global JAM Card network of organisations and users
20% discount for Charities
Why use our Learning Management System (LMS)
Our dashboard simplifies the process of viewing and managing your employees' data, which includes:
Your own dashboard for the e-Learning platform
Create and manage your account with secure log-in
Corporate accounts can add sub-accounts for multiple business locations
Manage your employees progress toward 70% target
See completion/pass rates
Download data to CSV file
SCORM file for businesses wanting to add JAM Card to their in-house learning management system (terms apply)